CIP Sanitising

The most obvious application in brewing is terminal sanitising rinse in the CIP systems of the brewery. This is where the ultra high power of Chlorine dioxide chemistry comes into play.  Chlorine dioxide is a broad spectrum, fast killing antimicrobial. Just as importantly, no toxic residues remain to inhibit fermentations. Chlorine dioxide does its job quickly and completely then breaks down readily into more inert materials. The unique chemistry of Chlorine dioxide does not chlorinate and therefore produces no chloro-organic, toxic by products. Chlorine dioxide has been shown to be virucidal as well as bactericidal, helping to avoid dead vats. Chlorine dioxide is approved as a terminal sanitising rinse in the range of 50-200 ppm and is typically applied at 100 ppm.  Chlorine dioxide is injected into the CIP system at the common sanitiser injector point as with any typical sanitiser.

Pasteurisers, Bottle/Can Warmers, Coolers

These waters are usually semi closed loop systems, which are essentially open to the atmosphere and readily undergo contamination. Further, through the process of spills and broken bottles/containers, they possess a significant organic load, thus creating a high potential for biological load. Slime and odour causing micro-organisms can not just survive, but can flourish in these waters. There are considerable economic, aesthetic and health reasons for keeping these waters in a sanitary condition. Except for the “hot” section of the pasteuriser, the systems that hold these waters are susceptible to biofilm build up. This effect will produce a condition called heat transfer resistance in the heat exchanger elements of these systems, resulting in wasted energy and money. In addition, biofilms will cause clogging and restriction of lines, orifices and pumps, again causing inefficiencies and wasted money on down time and repairs. In a summary report on the last two years of biofilm research, Chlorine dioxide has been listed as one of the most effective compounds for the destruction of biofilms. Our experience conforms completely with their findings. Chlorine dioxide is highly effective in removing biofilms from these systems.

Another costly factor with these waters is their ultimate discharge to the drain. The longer these waters can be retained in a sanitary condition, the more money is saved in water costs, water discharge, and energy required to heat up the replacement water. The final and best reason for sanitary water is that the consumer expects their food containers to be processed in a sanitary environment, and will not tolerate otherwise. Typically halogen based (chlorine, bromine) compounds display a high degree of corrosivity over time, in some cases relatively short times. The Chlorine dioxide chemistry is compatible with phosphate based anti-corrosion water treatment products commonly in use with these systems.

Depending on the configuration of the systems, Chlorine dioxide can be periodically batch loaded into the water system at a final concentration of 5 ppm, or can be metered in on a timed basis during the process day. In many plants this application has extended pasteuriser waters 4-6 times their previous discharge cycle and has been highly economical in overall costs associated with these systems. Chlorine dioxide holds all the necessary government approvals globally.

Chain & Conveyor Lube Injection

The lube additive application is a very beneficial application of Chlorine dioxide.

By injecting Chlorine dioxide into the lube stream at 20 ppm, several significant benefits result. First, significant bacterial control of the conveyor lines. Numerous accounts have reported 2-3 log reductions of counts on the conveyors. Second, by attacking the biofilms attached to the conveyors and the underlying rails, various soils are loosened and the natural cleaning action of the lube is enhanced. Dirt and grit slide off with the use of a pressure hose. The chains and conveyors run more smoothly, with less wear on the chains and motors.  Unlike quats and aldehydes the addition of Chlorine dioxide actually increases lubricity of the lube,. Additionally, Chlorine dioxide also deodorises the surrounding areas, which are noticeably fresher.

Water Filtration & Distribution System Disinfection

These water systems have been considered closed systems and therefore immune to contamination, particularly since residual chlorine or another water disinfectant is applied to these systems routinely. Weekly micro sampling of water samples often reveals quite the opposite. While most of us would consider the nutrient level in plain water not enough to support microbial growth, again, this is not the case. Published work indicates that biofilms can and do establish themselves in such water systems that trace elements and the pipe itself can support microbial growth, usually in the form of a biofilm. Once a biofilm is established within a distribution line, it can serve to seed the rest of the system. From time to time back pressures may occur within most distribution systems which can literally draw product into these water lines. This influx of nutrients can cause a population explosion of biomass, and thereby extend the area of contamination far beyond its original location. Because planktonic (free floating) cells are much easier to destroy than those rooted in a protective biofilm, a disinfection procedure often produces excellent results initially, but within 7 – 10 days the counts return. Ordinary disinfectants are unable to destroy the sessile cells of the biofilm. This is where Chlorine dioxide is the difference between a solution and a temporary fix. Chlorine dioxide is able to penetrate, disrupt and destroy the biofilm where chlorine is completely ineffective.

Disinfection of the water distributor network within a large brewery is an involved process with the most difficult factor being to identify and isolate specific runs or circuits of waterline. Each line should be walked and potential sources of continual contamination (dead legs, corroded valves, old sample ports, leaks) should be identified and corrected. This should be done in a systematic fashion, beginning at the central most location and working outward. A fairly accurate estimation of the volume of the line should be calculated, and a like volume of activated ClO2 solution at 100 – 200 ppm, depending on the severity of contamination, should be prepared. Existing water from the isolated line should be discharged and replaced with the disinfecting solution, making sure that all areas of the circuit have contact with the solution. After a minimum of one hour holding time (not to exceed 2 hours) the line should be drained, then flushed with clean potable water. Chlorine dioxide may be used as a primary water disinfectant in municipal water  and in stored potable water. If feasible, Chlorine dioxide treated water should be used to refill these lines, otherwise normally treated water may be used. Once the first circuit is disinfected and samples taken, the same procedure should be employed sequentially with the remainder of the waterlines.

Mould & Odour Control Of Environmental Spaces

There are many places within the brewery which harbor malodorous and musty smells, due in large part to mould growth. This is frequently the case in the storage cellars or Government Cellar, where temperatures and humidities are near ideal for growth of these organisms. Bacterial, mould and odor control is easily restored by an initial application of Chlorine dioxide, depending on the severity of the problem, sprayed onto the wall and floors. Follow this initial application with a periodical maintenance dosage and your dungeon will smell as fresh as your kitchen window!

Sanitation Of Rail Tanker Cars

As with any food contact surface, the quality and shelf life of the contained beer is directly related to the cleanliness and sanitary condition of the vessel. Because tanker cars are large volume, confined vessels, they can be difficult to clean and sanitise. The problem, again, is biofilm build up, which can serve as a source of bio-contamination to the product. The cleaning step, which removes a high percent of biofilm, nonetheless must be followed by a sanitiser capable of penetrating and disrupting the remaining layers of the biofilm. Chlorine dioxide has displayed exactly this ability. A thorough sanitising rinse of Chlorine dioxide with close attention to overhead surfaces, has proven to both improve the quality of product, and extend significantly its shelf life. The rinse solution should be allowed to drain, then air dried, before loading product. Do not rinse with potable water, since this may tend to re-contaminate the surfaces.