Hospitals, Medical Clinics, & Doctors’ Office Waiting Rooms
Healthcare professional are coming under increased scrutiny to keep their facilities clean and free of the germs that cause Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) such as Staphylcoccus aureus, (MRSA), HIV-1, and Hepatitis A. Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) offers the first true alternative to the historic use of bleaches and quaternary disinfectants. Chlorine dioxide is EPA registered for applications including hospitals, medical laboratories, rehabilitation facilities, medical equipment, clinics, and pharmacies.
Unlike bleach that leaves salt residues on surfaces, Chlorine dioxide does not leave any residue on surfaces. The repeated use of bleach on surfaces can lead to a salt build up which will scratch and damage surfaces. Bleach manufacturers recommend wiping down surfaces after every disinfection with a damp cloth. With Chlorine dioxide, there is no need for rinsing or wiping of surfaces after application because there are no residues left behind after treating. Bleach also creates a dangerous byproduct called Trihalomethanes (THM’s) as it reacts with organics.
One of the greatest threats to controlling Hospital Acquired Infections, is the cross contamination as patients move between the many specialised rooms in hospitals such as: